Milton School Association

Milton School Association

All parents and carers of pupils at Milton C of E school are automatically members of the MSA and the election of officers for the committee is held at the beginning of each Spring term. In addition, we welcome new members to our committee at any time of the year. The benefit of your help is enormous both to your children and to the school.

Benefits of becoming an MSA Committee Member:

  • Gaining a greater understanding of the ‘behind the scenes’ working of the school and strengthened relationships with teaching staff.
  • Being able to contribute and give something back to the school community.
  • Knowledge that your efforts have directly impacted on your children’s school experience.
  • Offering your children a positive role model.
  • Building a new/expanded social network for yourself and your children.
  • Learning more about the school by mixing with parents and carers from different year groups.
  • A real sense of pride and achievement when you see the children enjoying themselves at an event you had some part in making happen!

If you are interested in becoming more involved with the MSA or would like to find out more information about supporting and volunteering, the contact email is

MSA Constitution
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